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MRES Can Help Eliminate Manual, Point-By-Point Lubrication On Construction Vehicles Of All Types.

Updated: May 3, 2024

Modern trucking fleets grapple with the daily, often concealed, high costs associated with outdated manual lubrication practices. The reliance on manual lubrication necessitates the stopping and shutting down of each truck for grease application, resulting in inefficiency.

Furthermore, operators and maintenance personnel are compelled to physically access, and sometimes even climb onto, into, and around the trucks to perform routine lubrication tasks, posing risks of accidents and injury. The cumulative effects of machinery downtime, ineffective lubrication methods, and potential safety hazards underscore the urgency for today's fleets to explore and embrace innovative alternatives.

Remarkably, more than 50% of bearing failures can be traced back to lubrication-related issues. MRES offers advanced truck automatic lubrication systems that cater to the needs of modern equipment fleets. These systems bring about a plethora of benefits, including increased production uptime, enhanced machinery reliability, extended service intervals, the eradication of machinery downtime caused by manual lubrication, heightened safety for operators and mechanics, reduced unplanned downtime, and an increase in machinery residual value.

We invite your organization to explore how our cutting-edge technology and services can bring forth these advantages and more, ultimately boosting your productivity and profitability.

By making the switch to automatic lubrication systems, your organization can join the ranks of numerous companies that have realized the substantial value in eliminating manual, point-by-point lubrication across a wide spectrum of construction vehicles, such as crushers, excavators, loaders, haul trucks, graders, dump trucks, cement trucks, cranes, and more. Contact MRES Today And Let Us Help You Take Care Of Your Heavy Machinery.

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